Honeywell’s Controledge is a powerful industrial automation solution that integrates control systems with advanced analytics and remote capabilities. It is designed for high-reliability, high-efficiency operations across various industries where process control is crucial.Controledge is a suite of software solutions developed by Honeywell that is used for process control and automation in industries like oil and gas, chemicals, power generation, and other sectors requiring advanced industrial operations. ControlEdge is a part of Honeywell’s broader portfolio of industrial automation products.

UIO SIL2 Assy, ControlEdge 900 Platform
A SIL2 (Safety Integrity Level 2) certified unit I/O assembly for the ControlEdge 900 platform, designed to ensure safe and reliable input/output functions in safety-critical applications.
CPM, ControlEdge 900
CPM, ControlEdge 900
A Control Processor Module (CPM) for the ControlEdge 900 platform, responsible for managing system control operations, data processing, and communication within automation systems.
EPM, ControlEdge 900
An Expansion Processor Module (EPM) for the ControlEdge 900 platform, used to extend system processing capabilities and support additional I/O modules and control operations.